SN’s Inspiration: The Beauty of Nature and Art
Childhood Memories of Superheroes: As a child, Steve Austin, aka The Six Million Dollar Man, was one of the first superheroes I knew. One of my strongest and earliest memories is imitating the [...]
Childhood Memories of Superheroes: As a child, Steve Austin, aka The Six Million Dollar Man, was one of the first superheroes I knew. One of my strongest and earliest memories is imitating the [...]
A popular genre in photography is wildlife photography, and it can be done by beginners, wildlife enthusiasts, as well as professionals alike. What Is Wildlife Photography? Generally speaking, [...]
Dante Alighieri once said, “Nature is the Art of God.” One either loves wildlife, or they don’t. If they do, then that alone explains their interest in wildlife art; in the case of those that [...]
Many artists employ butterflies in their paintings due to their intricate wings and brief lifespan, lasting a few weeks between summer and spring. They understandably symbolize life’s [...]
Mixed media concepts can be confusing because they involve integrating traditional and modern ways of doing art. It’s basically an artistic expression of modifying and unifying the four [...]
Charcoal drawing allows many artists to express themselves in new and exciting ways. Artists like SN believe that art is made to help fill the heart while pleasing the eye. SN uses mixed media, [...]
Photography is a form of art that has captured people’s imagination since the camera’s inception. A camera can tell a story, and with the right equipment and lighting, you can create [...]
Are you one of those people thinking what contemporary photography is? You may already have a good idea of what photography means in your regular life. However, in this post we will explain what [...]
Butterflies are beautiful, graceful creatures that can be seen all over the world if you know where to look. There is an endless amount of butterfly art ideas out there, but it’s a little tricky [...]
When we think about a picture, we think about what the photo is about. That is why abstract photography is so unique. Abstract art is created by taking a picture of something and then removing [...]